At the regular September council meeting, ETO Vice President Özgür Alp shared information about the Chamber’s activities, stating that they will continue to represent the members' demands and address the challenges faced by the business community in solving trade-related issues.

The regular September meeting of Eskişehir Chamber of Commerce (ETO) was held on Tuesday, September 24th. The meeting started with an opening speech by the Council President, Halil İbrahim Ara, and continued with the discussion and resolution of agenda items. ETO Vice President Özgür Alp informed the council members about the chamber's activities. He highlighted that ETO has consistently represented the demands of its members at every platform and mentioned their recent participation in the AK Party Turkey Meeting organized by the AK Party Central Headquarters. The meeting, which included MPs and local party representatives from Eskişehir and surrounding provinces, allowed ETO members to voice concerns about the contraction in the housing sector, inflation-related challenges, and the difficulties faced by manufacturers who are unable to compete globally due to the low exchange rate.

Work on the ETO Service Building Continues

In his speech, Özgür Alp also provided updates about ETO’s ongoing construction of its new service building. He shared that groundworks on the floors are in progress, while ventilation and heating infrastructure have been completed. Efforts to complete other unfinished parts of the building are continuing. He further emphasized that the Chamber will continue to represent the concerns and expectations of its members and work towards resolving issues related to trade. Alp also announced that a joint meeting of ETO’s sector committees will take place in October, alongside the regular council meeting.

The Chamber remains committed to playing a central role in addressing the needs of its members and supporting the local business community in overcoming their challenges.

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