Eskişehir Chamber of Commerce President Metin Güler emphasized the urgent need to address the city's traffic issues and the Northern Ring Road during the April regular assembly meeting. He also highlighted the importance of opening new zoning areas in the city and ensuring that Eskişehir remains part of the Ankara-İzmir High-Speed Train project.

During the meeting held in the Mustafa Çekiç Assembly Hall, Güler pointed out that with the completion of the local elections, the pending problems in the city must be resolved as soon as possible.

Involvement of Tradesmen and Merchants in UKOME

Güler noted the increasing traffic problems in Eskişehir and argued that the business community should be included in the Transportation Coordination Center (UKOME) to contribute to solutions. He stated that decisions made by UKOME directly affect tradesmen and merchants, and having representatives from the business sector would enable them to voice their traffic-related concerns effectively.

Urgent Resolution Needed for the Northern Ring Road

Highlighting the long-standing issue of the Northern Ring Road, Güler mentioned that approximately 100,000 people rely on this route daily for their commutes. He pointed out that the existing ring road runs through the city, facilitating access to important locations such as the City Hospital, Organized Industrial Zone (OSB), industrial sites, and Eskişehir Fuar Kongre Merkezi (Exhibition and Congress Center). He stressed the need for a rapid resolution to the ring road issue.

Eskişehir Must Not Be Excluded from the High-Speed Train Project

Güler discussed the previously planned Ankara-İzmir High-Speed Train project, which initially included Eskişehir but was later modified to exclude it. He deemed this exclusion unacceptable and called upon Eskişehir's MPs and all local authorities to rectify this mistake. Güler emphasized that having a stop in Eskişehir for the high-speed train is crucial for the city’s trade, tourism, and industry, urging all relevant institutions and organizations to take responsibility in addressing this concern.

New Zoning Areas Are Essential for Eskişehir

Güler also identified the lack of zoning areas as another significant issue for Eskişehir. He argued that opening new zoning areas is necessary to alleviate congestion in the city and reduce traffic. By increasing available land, he noted that land prices would decrease, allowing citizens to access housing at lower costs. He concluded by expressing the need for new zoning areas to facilitate the city's growth and extended his wishes for a happy May 1st Labor and Solidarity Day.

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