We celebrate the 104th anniversary of the arrival of our Republic's Founder, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, in Samsun to rescue our homeland from enemy occupation.
On May 19, 1919, Atatürk took the first steps of our War of Independence, leading our noble nation to victory in its struggle for independence, as demonstrated by the relentless efforts of our people from all walks of life.
The designation of May 19 as a holiday for our youth highlights the value placed on the children who will prepare Turkey for the future.
Our youth will fulfill their responsibilities and work with all their might to elevate Turkey to an even higher status than it holds today.
With these feelings and thoughts, we proudly celebrate May 19, Atatürk Memorial, Youth and Sports Day, and we honor with respect and gratitude our Republic's Founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, his comrades-in-arms, our martyrs, and our veterans.